Wednesday, October 8, 2014

True or False

1. The first computer programmer was a woman- True
Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer, and she was a woman. She lived in the middle of the 1800s in England. 
2. The first computer was built in 1975- False
The first computer was built in 1910 by Henry and Charles Babbage. Charles was the son of Henry. Henry started it and Charles finished it.
3. Apple made the world's first user friendly personal computer- True
Apple II is the first user friendly personal computer built. The computer was built by Steve Wozniak.
4. Binary numbers are counted by twos- False
They are counted by a combination of 0 and 1. The binary system is the simplest positional number system and was created by Gottfried Leibniz in 1679.
5. A notebook computer is the same as a laptop computer- True
They were both meant to be fully functioning and portable computers. They are both very similar in three things. 
6. Computers come in only three sizes desktop, notebook, and tablet- False
They come in four sizes: desktop, laptop/notebook, tablet, and mobile phones. 
7. All PC's use a Microsoft windows operating system- False
Linux, Ubuntu, VMware Fushion 6, and BlackBerry all are other operating systems.
8. People with a lot of data often own their own mainframe computer- False
Mainframe computers are typically big computers that are used for critical applications. 
9. Most modern supercomputers are made up of clusters of computers- True
A supercomputer is a very powerful version of a mainframe computer that can be hooked up to many smaller computers for more use. Mainframes are used for problems which are limited by data movement. Supercomputers are used for scientific and engineering problems. 

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